時間:111年5月23日(一) 12:10PM – 13:10PM
(Time: 12:10 PM, 23th May )
( Professor Yaa-Hui Dong, Department of Pharmacy, NYCU)
( Use of real-world data in exploring antibiotic safety issues)
摘要: 使用真實世界資料檢視上市後藥物之安全性為藥物流行病學領域相當重要之議題。本次演講將以氟喹諾酮抗生素使用與主動脈瘤發生/主動脈剝離之安全性為主題,檢視現有文獻之實證資訊,並討論其研究方法之挑戰、臨床之意涵、與尚待解決之問題。
Abstract: Using real-world data to examine the safety of post-marketing drugs is an important topic in the field of pharmacoepidemiology. This presentation will focus on the use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics and the safety of aortic aneurysm development/aortic dissection, review the empirical information of the existing literature, and discuss its research method challenges, clinical implications, and unresolved issues .