陽明交通大學公衛所 Faculty Seminar
時間(Time):113年12月9日(一) 12:10PM – 13:10PM
地點(Location):醫學二館221教室 (Rm221, Medical Building II)
講者(Speaker):黃意婷老師( 成功大學職能治療學系助理教授)
(Dr. Hwang, I-Ting, Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, National Cheng Kung University)
講題(Title):「 運用共同設計與數位工具促進心理健康 」
” Leveraging Co-Design and Digital Tools to Promote Mental Health “
Digital tools can be used as an intervention medium to promote mental health. When developing new digital interventions, we must base them on the real-life experiences of service users to ensure the acceptability and effectiveness of the intervention. This talk will introduce how we use co-design and digital tools to promote mental health and will use two research projects as practical examples: (1) developing a brief intervention to reduce self-harm behaviors and (2) developing an information website to promote mental health for parents of children with developmental delays.