
Professor Yiing-Jenq Chou

Mail : yjchou@nycu.edu.tw

Tel : 02-2826-7000#67017


1997.6 Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Ph.D. in Health Policy with a Concentration in Economics
1991.6 National Yang-Ming University, Institute of Public Health, Master of Public Health
1989.6National Yang-Ming University, School of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine


.Administrative Deputy Superintendent, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital
.Dean, Office of Academic Affairs, National Yang-Ming University
.Director, Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
.President, Taiwan Society of Health Economics
.Chair, Social Medicine Domain, Department of Life Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
.Member, National Health Insurance Committee, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan
.Professor, Department of Public Health & Medical Humanities, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital
.Professor, Institute of Public Health, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital
.Jointly Appointed Professor, Institute of Hospital and Health Care Administration, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital
.Board Member, Management Committee of Taipei Municipal Hospital Medical Fund

Professional Specialty
Health Policy, Health Economics, Health Insurance
Selected Publication
  1. Pu, C., Shih, S.F., Chou, Y.J.* (2024). Needs Beyond Coverage: Health Care Inequities Among Children with Disabilities of Parents with Disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, Online ahead of print. (SCI, SCIE)
  2. Hwang, A.C., Chen, L.Y., Tang, T.C., Peng, L.N., Lin, M.H., Chou, Y.J.*, Hsiao, F.Y., Chen, L.K. (2023). Transitions in Frailty and 4-Year Mortality Risk in Taiwan Longitudinal Study on Aging. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 24(1): 48–e5. (SCI)
  3. Huang, N., Wang, P.S., Chen, C.Y., Bai, Y.M., Chou, Y.J.* (2022). Influence of Care Delivery Models on Continuity and Quality of Diabetes Care Among Individuals with Schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 83(3): 21m13880. (SCI, SSCI)
  4. Liang, L. L., Huang, N., Shen, Y. J., Chen, A. Y., Chou, Y. J.* (2020). Do Patients Bypass Primary Care for Common Health Problems Under a Free-Access System? Experience of Taiwan. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1):1050. (SCI)
  5. Tsai, T.H., Huang, N., Lin, I.F., Chou, Y.J.* (2020). Severe Diabetes Complications Among Patients with Diabetes with Regular Follow‐Up: Does Care Setting Matter? Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 26(4): 1212– (SCI)
Selected Advisee Thesis
  1. Post-Discharge Care Experience Among Stroke Patients Under The National Health Insurance Program In Taiwan: Do Health Professional And Their Relatives Have Better Experiences?
  2. Trends in and Factors Associated with Computed Tomography Use among Children with Abdominal Pain in Emergency Departments
  3. The effect of National Health Insurance on household out-of-pocket expenditure structure
  4. The influence of drug price adjustments policy on prescribing refillable prescriptions for patients with hypertension
  5. Incidence of Suicide After a Cancer Diagnosis : A Population-based Study in Taiwan.