
Associate Professor Wen-May Rei

Mail : wmrei@nycu.edu.tw

Tel : 02-2826-7000#67377

About me

As a legal scholar teaching bioethics and healthcare law in a medical school, I enjoy observing the power relation between physician and patient from a minority perspective, and am keen on reflecting how can a more humane society be constructed. I hope to serve as the interface between people from the legal community and medical community, sort out the concerns of both sides and help forge a better institution that can realize the values of both sides. My area of interest has been in the legal and ethical issues in public health, reproductive health and human subject protection.


1998 J.S.D., Yale Law School
1994 LL.M., Yale Law School
1991 LL.B., Department of Law, National Taiwan University


Associate Professor, Chung Yuan Christian University
Assistant Professor, Chung Yuan Christian University

Professional Specialty
Public Health Ethics and Law, Law and policy of genetic technology, Law and policy of reproductive medicine
Selected Publication
  1. 雷文玫(2021) 防疫共同體的物資整備-從我國口罩光榮動員經驗看下一波超前部署所需要的法制整備,月旦法學,312期,頁23-45,2021年5月。
  2. 雷文玫(2019) 基因研究的告知義務及社會心理風險,收於蔡友月、潘美玲、陳宗文主編,台灣的後基因體時代:新科技的典範轉移與挑戰,交大出版社,pp.280-298 (2019)。
  3. 雷文玫 (2018) 從臥房政治到公共政策:不孕與人工生殖技術治理的法規範變遷,收於劉士永、王文基主編,「東亞醫療史:殖民、性別與現代性」,聯經出版公司,即將出版。
  4. 吳嘉苓、雷文玫、鄧宗業、謝新誼 (2017),人工協助生殖科技的資料登錄與健康監測:跨國比較研究,台灣衛誌,36 卷 1 期,頁 1-15。
  5. 虞希正、雷文玫、邱淑媞、鄧宗業,台灣人工生殖法立法前後五年生殖結果的比較,台灣衛誌,40卷5期,頁556-569.
Selected Advisee Thesis
  1. Organ procurement policies: An ethical apprisal
  2. Study Of Advance Directives-The Implications Of American Experiences
  3. An Analysis of Minor’s Reproductive Autonomy in the Decision of Abortion
  4. An Empirical Case Study of Pregnant Women’s Autonomy to HIV Prenatal Screening in Taiwan
  5. Indigenous Self-Determination and the Protection of Collective Rights In Genetic Research